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Cartoon matryohkas
Cartoon or grotesque matryoshkas represents well known persons from life of politic, sport, writers, artist and so on.
5 pieces Michael Jackson matryoshka
30.00 €
Matryoshka 5 pieces with Michael Jackson in different periods of his life inside.
5 pieces Lenin matryoshka
16.00 €
The leader of the Russian revolution 5 pieces matryoshka 20 cm length
5 pieces Nikolay Romanov matryoshka
17.00 €
The last Russian Czar Nikolay Romanov 5 pieces matryoshka
5 pieces putin matryoshka
20.00 €
Cartoon 5 pieces matryoshka with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
5 pieces Marilyn Monroe matryoshka
30.00 €
Cartoon 5 pieces matryoshka with Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Lui Amstrong, Frank Sinatra.
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